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Bluecher early start, and a Sword and Spear photo montage.


Did a few stands of 6mm Napoleonic French for the last few weekends, partly in readiness for the release of Bluecher next year from Sam Mustafa (author or Lasalle, Grand Armee, Might and Reason, Maurice and Longstreet), these new rules being a multi-corps level affair. The club I used to belong to was preparing to do a Waterloo game for their con next year too, so I was working on part of the French contingent, these first four stands being the I Corps 1st Division, 1st and 2nd Brigades, and the I Corps 2nd Division, 1st and 2nd Brigades. I’m no longer involved with that project or the club, but I’m still going to paint up these figures and lend them to whoever runs the game at the con. They’ll then form the basis for my Bluecher army, probably to be joined at a later date by some 6mm Austrians (to go with my 6mm 7YW Austrians and my 15mm Napoleonic Austrians. What can I say, I like the variety of units they have).

Here’s a pic of the 4 stands together:

I Corps 1st Division, Brigades 1 and 2, with the 2nd Division, Brigades 1 and 2 behind.

I Corps 1st Division, Brigades 1 and 2, with the 2nd Division, Brigades 1 and 2 behind.

None of the units are properly based yet – as always, I want to wait till I have them all done so that I can base them together to make sure they look alike, using the same basing materials. I still have flags to put on them too. All of these are 6mm Baccus figures, based on 80mm x 60mm bases from Minibits bases.  The pics are a little fuzzy I’m afraid.

1st Corps, 1st Division, 1st Brigade

1st Corps, 1st Division, 1st Brigade

The first unit consists of Quiot’s Brigade, made up of the 54th Ligne, battalions 1 and 2, ad the 55th Ligne, battalions 1 and 2. I’ve also added a few skirmishers out front, a casualty, and Quiot himself on horseback directing them as they march forward in echelon.

1st Corps, 1st Division, 2nd Brigade

1st Corps, 1st Division, 2nd Brigade

The second brigade is that of Bourgeois, consisting of the 28th Ligne, battalions 1 and 2, and the 105th Ligne, battalions 1 and 2. Again they have skirmishers out front, including two who have been shot down by British rifles or similar.

1st Corps, 2nd Division, 1st Brigade

1st Corps, 2nd Division, 1st Brigade

Schmitz’ brigade in the 2nd Division has a lot more skirmishers out front, and consists of the 13th Legere, battalions 1, 2, and 3, supported at the rear by the 17th Ligne, battalions 1 and 2. The first Legere battalion is out front as massed skirmishers, with battalions 2 and 3 in assault column behind them.

1st Corps, 2nd Division, 2nd Brigade

1st Corps, 2nd Division, 2nd Brigade

The 2nd Brigade of the 2nd Division, Aulard’s, consists of the 19th Ligne, battalions 1 and 2, and the 51st Ligne, battalions 1 and 2. They have the ubiquitous skirmishers out front, and a 6 lber of the foot artillery alongside them. The first battalion of the 19th are in line formation, the other three battalions are in assault column behind them.

A couple of weeks ago, I took part in a 4 man game of Sword and Spear, using Mark’s excellent 6mm Early Medieval figures (again all by Baccus, I believe). Here are a selection of pics from that battle:


DSC03258 DSC03274 DSC03270

At some point, I’ll try to do a proper write-up of that game, and include more of the photos I took.

Next up on the painting table are more French Napoleonics – I want to get them done as soon as possible so I don’t have to try to rush to get them done in time for the con game and risk not finishing them in time for that. We should soon be getting our figures from the War and Empire kickstarter (hopefully by christmas), so I may take a small break from Napoleonics to do one of the three armies I’ll be working on (Graeco-Bactrians, Later Carthaginians, and Punic-era Mid Republican Romans). All three will be based for Sword and Spear (using the same basing as for Impetus, so I can field them for that game too). I hope to play DavidB next week (using my Hundred Years War figures) using Sword and Spear again, so will try to get a report of that game on the blog soon too.

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