Channel: Glory Eagles de l'Empereur!
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[Maurice] One last set of pics: Buildings


Had to postpone last night’s game; my wife had an appointment in the afternoon at the eye clinic to check on the progress of her surgery (which went well – her retina is now firmly re-attached), so instead of the battle report I was intending to post, here is the very last in my irregular series of Stuff For Maurice, and rather than my l’il men, it’s the l’il buildings that make up the towns we use in the games. I have to admit I went a little overboard when I started buying buildings and I have enough for at least 12 urban bases, when I’m only ever likely to use 2-3. I made bases out of mdf cut by DaveB at the club (Thanks  Dave!), covered with cobblestone paving paper I got from…where did I get it from? It was a while ago, and I can’t remember. It’s great stuff though, to scale for 6mm. My buildings are a mix, some from the now sadly defunct JR Miniatures (unless they’ve popped back up again – always a possibility), a few from Simply 6 (again, now sadly defunct, which is a crying shame because they did some of the best 3mm buildings (as well as these 6mm)  that I’ve ever seen. Others are from Hovels, which every wargamer knows about, but the majority of these are from Total Battle Miniatures, who (hurrah!) are not only still going, but are thriving, with new ranges being brought out recently.


So anyway, here are my buildings:


Large two base town

Large two base town

The walls surrounding this town are 1/200th scale, but I think they fit fine as large walls surrounding an estate or similar. This is two town bases put together, with a large seminary / government building / manor house on the top left, the granary (like the one at Essling) in the top centre, and a large manor house or similar building at top right. At the bottom there are two street blocks, 2-3 buildings attached to each other.

Second two base large town

Second two base large town

This is another 2 base town, connected to the third town (in the next pic) by one of my two bridges. Here’s the first of my three churches, a large detached house, and another of the street blocks from the rear. At the bottom are a tavern, another large detached house, and a smaller detached house with stairs at the front.


Third large two-base town

Third large two-base town


Here’s the other end of the bridge, a barracks / arsenal, small warehouse, another tavern, and next to it another church. At the bottom, there’s the other street bock from the rear, a detached house with stairs at the side, and a large warehouse.


Bridge connecting the two large towns

Bridge connecting the two large towns

This one is towns 2 and 3 connected by that bridge. You can also see the large walls – two seen here have large double doors, a couple have damage to their centre, and the rest are normal. I also have some corner pieces.


Close up of town 1 part 1

Close up of town 1 part 1


This is a closer shot of half of town one.


Part two of town one

Part two of town one

And this is he second half of town 1. You can see he wall corner on this one next to a normal wall.


Part one of town two

Part one of town two


This is the first part of town two. The large detached house is seen from the rear at top and from the front at bottom.


Second part of town 2

Second part of town 2


This is the second half of town two.


First part of town three

First part of town three


On the other side of the bridge, the first half of town three in closer detail.


Second part of town three

Second part of town three


And the second half of town three. The tavern at the top in the centre is noticeably better painted than the other buildings, because I got it pre-painted (by the guy who did all the Simply 6 buildings, of which this was one).


Farm one

Farm one


For smaller single bases, I also have quite a few farm / village buildings. This one is again painted by Simply 6, accompanied by a couple of JR Mniatures buildings (which are a bit smaller than my other buildings, which is why I tend to use them for villages or as extra farm buildings, as here.


Town four, connected by another bridge

Town four, connected by another bridge


Here’s town four, connected by a bridge over a canal or whatever. The third 9and to my mind, best) of the churches is at the top left, next to another large warehouse, with two large detached houses on the right hand side at the top. On the bottom are four detached houses, two with stairs at the front, two with stairs at the side.

First half of town four

First half of town four


Closer shot of the first half of town four.


Second part of town four

Second part of town four


And closer shot of the second half of town four.


Farm number two

Farm number two


The second of my farm / village bases, again with small drystone walls, including some corner pieces. The farm itself was miscast – there’s supposed to be an empty yard where the yellowy thing to the right hand side is found, but for some reason it came with a large piece of flash there. I’ve scored it with a craft knife a few times and tried to paint it to look like a pile pile of straw / hay, but I’m not sure it’s worked entirely.


Village square

Village square


This one includes a tavern from JR Miniatures as well as a house, and not one but TWO farms. You lucky people.


Another village / farm

Another village / farm


And finally, another village / farm tile.


All of the buildings are separate, so I can mix and match. I have 6 tiles, each of which are 120mm square, which enables me to put a Maurice unit (2 60mm x 30mm bases) on pointing in the same direction. Some of the smaller farm / village buildings I can add to a table just for colour too.


I also have quite a large collection of 3mm buildings which are more modern. At the moment, I’m helping playtest Anthony’s untitled Cold War Gone Hot rules (which are shaping up to be great!) so you’ll see some of those buildings in playtest reports which I should be posting in a few weeks. At some point I may do a similar series of posts on my 3mm BAOR army, and if so, I’ll post pics of all my buildings for those too. I’m currently working on an industrial scene for that game…

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